Videos und Nachlese

Finden Sie hier ausgewählte Präsentationen und Workshops von der 3. Österreichischen BMHS CLIL-Konferenz die von 16.-17. November online stattfand. Mehr als 130 Teilnehmerinnen und Teilnehmer nahmen an 22 verschiedenen Plenaries und Workshops teil. Außerdem konnte man via virtualexpo auch die aktuellsten Informationen nationaler und internationaler Verlage und Sprachschulen zum Thema CLIL und mehr erfahren.

Videos folgender Referenten und Referentinnen sind aktuell verfügbar:

  • Patrick DeBoer
  • Helen Heaney
  • Mario Liftenegger
  • Torunn Thomassen

Keith Kelly

Curriculum Skills for CLIL – Bridging the Gap between Content and Language

While some teachers avoid opening their curriculum documents for whatever reason, this talk will argue the descriptors in curriculum guidelines are precisely the place CLIL teachers should start. Curriculum objectives and descriptors provide CLIL teachers, both language and content, with a hint at the skills they can actually share responsibility for AND through which deliver a meaningful learning experience in a foreign language.
Referring to actual classroom examples and teaching materials, this plenary will discuss and describe roles for both content teachers and language CLIL teachers through a collaborative relationship in delivering the educational curriculum.


HTL Best Practice

Vor beinahe 10 Jahren wurde CLIL in den Lehrplänen der HTLs als verpflichtendes Element des Lehrens und Lernens verankert. An vielen Standorten sind inzwischen tolle Ideen und Ansätze zur Umsetzung von CLIL entstanden. Es ist wertvoll und wichtig, dass kreative und erfolgreiche Ansätze an den Standorten jene Aufmerksamkeit bekommen, die sie verdienen. Ausgewählte Beispiele aus den folgenden Bereichen werden hier vorgestellt:

  • CLIL-Umsetzung, d.h. Methodik (Videos, Unterrichtsmaterialien, …) und CLIL-Projekte (Diplomarbeiten, andere Kooperationsprojekte mit der Wirtschaft)
  • CLIL-bezogene PR-Aktivitäten am Schulstandort
  • CLIL-Evaluierung (Entwicklungs- und Umsetzungsplanung, Organisation, …)

CLIL-Fortbildung, d.h. schulinterne (SCHILF, Schulentwicklung, …) und externe Ansätze (Erasmus+, …)

Helen Heaney

The ideal lesson plan

When preparing your own materials for a CLIL lesson, there is potentially a wealth of authentic online written and audio/visual material in your subject area to choose from. But how can you ensure that you – and your students – are not only working hard but are also working smart when teaching/learning with such materials? What needs to be thought of in terms of input and output so that optimal content and language learning can take place?

Patrick DeBoer

Scaffolding, the holy grail of CLIL

Whenever one reads about CLIL, the phrase ‘scaffolding’ is mentioned as something vital to CLIL education. However, just like CLIL itself, there seems to be no singular definition as to what scaffolding is. Or even worse: how to use it practically in one’s lessons. For example, what is the difference between helping, scaffolding or teaching itself?

During this sub-plenary the different ways of applying scaffolding to your lesson will be discussed, based on various CLIL books and papers.

Torunn Thomassen

The Oslo Model – CLIL for promoting employability and active citizenship (in dt. Sprache)

Oslo VO Helsfyr hat organisatorisch und methodisch ein CLIL-Konzept entwickelt, in dem minoritätssprachlichen Erwachsenen ein weiterführendes, duales vierjähriges Unterrichtsangebot, mit dem Studienziel Koch/Köchin, Tischler/-in oder Kinder- und Jugendarbeiter/-in zu werden, angeboten wird. Die erwachsenen Schüler/-innen bekommen Norwegischunterricht und Fachunterricht gleichzeitig – Content und Sprache integriert. Die Schüler/-innen treten schon im ersten Schuljahr eine Lehre an und üben an der Lehrstelle in der Praxis, was sie theoretisch in der Schule gelernt haben.  Frau Thomassen wird in ihrem Vortrag zeigen, wie das Studienangebot organisatorisch aufgebaut ist, wie das CLIL-Konzept verwirklicht ist, welche Lernergebnisse Oslo VO Helsfyr durch CLIL erreicht hat und wie das dokumentiert ist.  Sie wird auch zeigen, wie die Schule die notwendige Zusammenarbeit organisiert, d.h. die Zusammenarbeit unter den Lehrern und Lehrerinnen, mit den Lehrstellen, mit NAV (der norwegische Arbeitsvermittlung) und mit anderen weiterführenden Schulen.

Mario Liftenegger

TechTools und OER

Dieser Workshop bietet einen kurzen Überblick über das Thema Open Educational Ressources (OER) in Bezug auf das österreichische Urheberrecht. Anschließend werden verschiedene Plattformen vorgestellt auf denen OER Materialien für den CLIL Unterricht, unabhängig vom Unterrichtsgegenstand, zu finden sind. Zusätzlich zur OER Thematik werden auch verschiedene Möglichkeiten präsentiert, wie man als Lehrperson selbst einfach digitale Unterrichtsmaterialien für den eigenen CLIL Unterricht herstellen kann.

Hier die Materialien aus seinem Workshop:

Liftenegger: OER und tech tools

Sheila Corwin & Robert Schwamborn

Apps and ICT Tools for CLIL

Educational apps and software programs offer new ways for students to interact with the lesson material, their peers, and you, the teacher. This can be particularly helpful when teaching the four basic skills (reading, writing, listening, and speaking) in any CLIL lesson. By interactively combining images, audio and video files, students can get a better grasp on the required vocabulary. The interactive elements also promote listening and reading texts used in the classroom. Applying social media formats which foster active participation encourages students to discuss course content in a foreign language.  Discover how teaching CLIL can be transformed into an immersive and engaging experience.

During this workshop, you will be introduced to a selection of the best educational software programs and Apps that are accessible online for free. You will be presented with activity ideas that you can modify for your own educational content and setting. Find out where you can source authentic materials that are meaningful to your learners. You will be shown examples of how to use these tools to quickly create interactive content tailored to your class. Moreover, you will get to know when and how to best apply these Apps and ICT tools during CLIL lessons.


Hier finden Sie, in alphabetischer Reihenfolge, die Abstracts und PDFs der Referentinnen und Referenten der 3. CLILvoc2020.


BAG CLIL (Bundesarbeitsgemeinschaft für die Entwicklung von Methodenvielfalt mit CLIL, ehem. BundesARGE CLIL an HTLs) ist eine Gruppe von erfahrenen CLIL-Lehrerinnen und -Lehrern aus den österreichischen HTLs, die als Steuerungsgruppe die CLIL-Konzepte für HTLs weiterentwickelt.

HTL Best Practice

Vor beinahe 10 Jahren wurde CLIL in den Lehrplänen der HTLs als verpflichtendes Element des Lehrens und Lernens verankert. An vielen Standorten sind inzwischen tolle Ideen und Ansätze zur Umsetzung von CLIL entstanden. Es ist wertvoll und wichtig, dass kreative und erfolgreiche Ansätze an den Standorten jene Aufmerksamkeit bekommen, die sie verdienen. Ausgewählte Beispiele aus den folgenden Bereichen werden hier vorgestellt:

  • CLIL-Umsetzung, d.h. Methodik (Videos, Unterrichtsmaterialien, …) und CLIL-Projekte (Diplomarbeiten, andere Kooperationsprojekte mit der Wirtschaft)
  • CLIL-bezogene PR-Aktivitäten am Schulstandort
  • CLIL-Evaluierung (Entwicklungs- und Umsetzungsplanung, Organisation, …)

CLIL-Fortbildung, d.h. schulinterne (SCHILF, Schulentwicklung, …) und externe Ansätze (Erasmus+, …)


Stellvertretend für das Projektteam aus Mitarbeitern und Mitarbeiterinnen von CEBS, HAUP und PHDL wird Gudrun Keplinger die Untersuchungsergebnisse präsentieren.

Gudrun Keplinger ist Hochschulprofessorin für Fachdidaktik Englisch und Fachkoordinatorin Englisch Sekundarstufe PHDL mit Lehrtätigkeit an der PHDL im Institut Ausbildung seit SS 2004.

Project CLILEDGE – The Impact of CLIL on Knowledge Acquisition in Higher Vocational Education

CLILEDGE beschäftigt sich mit der Implementierung von Content und Language Integrated Learning (CLIL) in berufsbildenden Lehranstalten in Österreich, das Projekt begleitet dabei die Höheren land- und fortwirtschaftlichen Schulen, an welchen CLIL-Unterrichtseinheiten seit dem Schuljahr 2018/19 verpflichtend abgehalten werden.

Die folgenden Zielsetzungen sind handlungsleitend:

  1. Erfassen der Qualität des Wissenserwerbs in der Gegenüberstellung von deutschsprachigem und fremdsprachlichem Unterricht
  2. Definition der Maßnahmen von Seiten der Lehrpersonen, die für erfolgreichen Wissenserwerb im CLIL-Unterricht verantwortlich zeichnen

Hypothese: Der Wissenserwerb von Schülerinnen und Schülern unterscheidet sich nicht signifikant abhängig davon, ob die Inhalte im CLIL-Unterricht oder deutschsprachigen Unterricht erarbeitet wurden.

Die Untersuchungsergebnisse aus dem ersten Projektjahr, das sich auf CLIL-Unterricht in den Unterrichtsgegenständen „Projektmanagement“ und „Biologische Landwirtschaft“ konzentriert hat, sowie ein Ausblick auf das zweite Projektjahr mit den Schwerpunkten „Geschichte, Politische Bildung und Recht“ und „Betriebswirtschaft und Rechnungswesen“ werden hier erstmals einer breiteren Öffentlichkeit vorgestellt.

Sheila Corwin & Robert Schwamborn

Sheila Corwin is a CLIL and language teacher trainer at the Europass Teacher Academy in Florence, Italy. She has more than 25 years-experience working with non-native speakers of English and training teachers from all over Europe. She holds Weekend TEFL and Advanced TEFL certificate courses for new and already practicing teachers along with a  5-day course entitled: CLIL in Practice: Focus on Florence.

Robert Schwamborn is a teacher trainer for educational online tools and apps at the Europass Teacher Academy in Dublin, Ireland. Robert is also the manging director of the Irish branch of Europass Teacher Academy. Trained as a scientist, he has been instructing teachers how to use technical equipment since 2014. Besides training teachers in using online tools for education, Robert also facilitates courses on student-centric teaching and the 4C’s (Communication, Collaboration, Critical thinking, Creativity).

Patrick DeBoer

Patrick de Boer is a former CLIL mathematics teacher as well as a CLIL coach, teacher trainer and former editor-in-chief of CLIL Magazine. With more than a decade of experience teaching CLIL in secondary education and coaching fellow teachers, he shares his ideas on regular basis on his blog and trains CLIL teachers worldwide with both online and offline courses and workshops.

Scaffolding, the holy grail of CLIL

Whenever one reads about CLIL, the phrase ‘scaffolding’ is mentioned as something vital to CLIL education. However, just like CLIL itself, there seems to be no singular definition as to what scaffolding is. Or even worse: how to use it practically in one’s lessons. For example, what is the difference between helping, scaffolding or teaching itself?

During this sub-plenary the different ways of applying scaffolding to your lesson will be discussed, based on various CLIL books and papers.

Preparing a CLIL lesson in 15 minutes

A common challenge for CLIL teachers is to find the time to actually prepare a CLIL lesson. As a CLIL lesson asks for more than just ‘translating a lesson’, you are expected to do a lot of extra things. But these extra things all take extra time to prepare. Right?

In this workshop you will discover a template to use to prepare CLIL lessons in 15 minutes (or less) and experience a variety of activities you can apply to your own lesson as well. To make sure you are not just ‘inspired’ but actually start applying the activities and ideas from this workshop, we will also discuss how to apply them in your specific situation.

This workshop is suitable for both teachers who have only a little experience with CLIL as well as teachers who have already been using CLIL for a while.

Rudolf Gföllner & Barbara Schweighofer

Rudolf Gföllner has been teaching at commercial colleges since 1993. In his teaching he focuses on finance, controlling and SAP and he has a lot of practical experience in accounting and related fields.

Forwarding his know-how to both students and colleagues has always been his prime aim.

Barbara Schweighofer teaches at the Vienna Business School.

Hier die Materialien aus dem Workshop:

Gföllner: Accounting & Controlling

Schweighofer: Marketing

CLIL for Business Management, Finance and Controlling

Economic education that goes beyond teaching in Austria is essential and necessary for business schools and their students. More than 90 % of the learners will require high skills in the English language for their future professional life. CLIL goes beyond the traditional use of English at school merely in the foreign language classroom but integrates English as a lingua franca into multiple contexts and subjects. Thereby, students become acquainted with the use of English in business contexts, which prepeares them for international work settings.

My part will consist of teaching specific topics in my main subjects like business management, finance and controlling. I will demonstrate the aims of CLIL with some examples focusing on content, broken down into the three dimensions concepts, language and procedure.

Furthermore, I will prepeare my students to become more professional by using vocabulary before they start to work. And last but not least, we want to have more fun together by learning with new challenges.

Brigitte Gottinger & Petra Pargfrieder

Brigitte Gottinger and Petra Pargfrieder teach at a technical college in Linz, Upper Austria. They have been members of various BundesARGEs for CLIL and English at HTLs.  They work as CLIL coaches and consultants focusing on CLIL methodology. They have been working with schools and teachers in Austria and Norway for many years now, offering support on how to implement CLIL and help teachers to develop CLIL materials and lesson plans.

Hier die Materialien aus ihrem Workshop:

Gottinger & Pargfrieder: CLIL to go

CLIL to Go

The main focus of this practical workshop is to introduce and explain various CLIL methods in detail. Moreover, the role of CLIL teachers and students in the CLIL classroom will be discussed as well as the many benefits implementing CLIL offers to students and teachers alike. There will be a focus on practicability and feasibility in the CLIL classroom. This workshop is for CLIL-newbies as well as advanced CLIL teachers of all subjects likewise.

Helen Heaney

Helen Heaney is a senior lecturer in the teacher education programme of the Department of English and American Studies at the University of Vienna. Previously she worked for 12 years as a team teacher and language/methodology coach at a grammar school in Klagenfurt. Helen regularly teaches CLIL workshops for HTLs and HLFSs, focusing on lesson plans, authentic materials and language input/output.

The ADIBE Project on diversity in the CLIL classroom

As part of an international project on diversity in the CLIL classroom in Austria, Finland, Germany, Italy, Spain and the UK (, students, teachers and parents at three schools in Vienna filled in an online survey covering aspects from methodology to media and language support to learning/teaching materials. Teachers and small groups of students were interviewed. In this presentation I will look at some of these findings and others which are particularly relevant for vocational schools in Austria and explore the implications for designing useful CLIL units.

The ideal lesson plan

When preparing your own materials for a CLIL lesson, there is potentially a wealth of authentic online written and audio/visual material in your subject area to choose from. But how can you ensure that you – and your students – are not only working hard but are also working smart when teaching/learning with such materials? What needs to be thought of in terms of input and output so that optimal content and language learning can take place?

Keith Kelly

Keith Kelly is a freelance education consultant, founder of the Forum for Across the Curriculum Teaching (FACT), author of Macmillan’s Science and Geography Vocabulary Practice Series and consultant to Macmillan’s onestopclil website and, along with Phil Ball and John Clegg, co-author of OUP’s ‚Putting CLIL into Practice‘.

Hier die Materialien aus seinem Workshop:

Kelly: Curriculum skills for CLIL

Curriculum Skills for CLIL – Bridging the Gap between Content and Language

While some teachers avoid opening their curriculum documents for whatever reason, this talk will argue the descriptors in curriculum guidelines are precisely the place CLIL teachers should start. Curriculum objectives and descriptors provide CLIL teachers, both language and content, with a hint at the skills they can actually share responsibility for AND through which deliver a meaningful learning experience in a foreign language.
Referring to actual classroom examples and teaching materials, this plenary will discuss and describe roles for both content teachers and language CLIL teachers through a collaborative relationship in delivering the educational curriculum.

Erwin Lehner

Erwin Lehner teaches English and History at the secondary technical college in Ried im Innkreis. He has been the CLIL coordinator at his school for many years now and he has been working as a CLIL teacher trainer.

CLIL for Beginners

Many schools don’t really know how to get started in terms of CLIL. That’s why this workshop is geared to CLIL beginners. In the first part we will work out a proper CLIL policy for your school and you will learn how to implement CLIL successfully at your school. In the second part various CLIL methods will be introduced and explained. Furthermore, useful websites and online tools for foreign language teaching will be shown and tried out. Samples of good practice will show the feasibility of CLIL in everyday teaching.

Mario Liftenegger & Christoph Friedrich

Mario Liftenegger is a teacher and a historian and did his PhD on murals and parades in Northern Ireland. He teaches History and Geography at the College for Nursery Education in Liezen, Styria. He has implemented CLIL at his college and carried out a few long-term projects concerning saving the environment using CLIL methods. He has also written CLIL material for the CLIL section of the CEBS website.

Christoph Friedrich is a teacher and biologist. He did his PhD on microsporidians of different arthropod species. After a practice year as a trainee teacher at a junior and senior high school in Graz he worked as a scientist at the University of Graz and the Graz University of Technology. For more than 20 years he has been teaching biology and in between times nutrition at the College for Nursery Education and science at the Commercial High School in Liezen, Styria. In his lessons he uses CLIL methods from time to time.

Hier die Materialien aus ihrem Workshop:

Liftenegger & Friedrich: CLIL for geography and biology

CLIL for Geography and Biology

How to start with CLIL at your school – with a special focus on Geography and Biology

The main focus of this workshop is to show the different steps of how you can implement CLIL at your school. Moreover, the steps from English as a working language to “pure” CLIL and the benefits of this process for teachers and students will be discussed. A special focus will be on implementing CLIL in subjects like Geography and Biology and you will also get to know best practice examples from both subjects. This workshop is for all CLIL-newbies who want to know how they can implement CLIL at their school.

Bernhard Löffler

Bernhard Löffler has been teaching at a commercial college in Vienna since 2009. His main subjects are Business Studies, Economics, International Business and International Marketing with a CLIL focus in all of his courses. With five years of work experience as a brand manager and as an advertising consultant, he also works as a senior lecturer at the WU Wien and has a passion for foreign languages, travelling, sports and arts.

Teaching Business Studies

The language of international business is English and CLIL has become a requirement for Austrian schools such as HAK, HTL, HUM, etc.

Having gained substantial experience in teaching a variety of courses in English, both at school as well as at the university, I have been digging deeper into the field of CLIL over the last years. Using CLIL enables me to live my passion for foreign language/s (teaching) and link it with making young people familiar with the world of businesses.

I will outline how various business studies topics can be taught using CLIL

  • Getting started with studying Business Studies (BW I. Jg.)
  • Marketing & Marketing Research (BW II Jg.)
  • Management: Entrepreneurship, Strategic and Operative Planning (BW III. Jg.)

Felizitas Moll

  • Teacher of nutrition and English at HLW Tulln
  • CLIL-coordinator at HLW Tulln
  • Teacher trainer at PH Niederösterreich
  • Experience in teaching English as a working language at vocational school
  • Nutritional scientist, focusing on sustainability and life cycle nutrition
Teaching nutrition and other HLW-related subjects in English: a focus on methods and implementation

CLIL has been well-established at HTL, HAK and lately also at HLFS across Austria. For some reason, however, HLW always seems to lag behind. The aim of this workshop is to provide insights into teaching CLIL at HLW and to encourage more teachers to go on this exciting mission.

We will explore the benefits of CLIL for HLW students, possible subjects, student age and level of English, as well as the framework provided by the curriculum. We will also discuss some of the challenges, such as finding appropriate literature and striving for fair assessment.

In the second part of the workshop, a lot of different methods will be presented and practiced with hands-on exercises from nutrition and science lessons.

Alexandra Posekany

Alexandra Posekany ist Universitätsassistentin an der TU Wien, Lektorin für angewandte Statistik an der FH Campus Wien und unterrichtet am Technologischen Gewerbemuseum die Fächer Angewandte Mathematik und Data Science. Sie ist m Lernbüro tätig und erfahren in der Vorbereitung von Unterrichtsmaterialien zum selbstständigen Erarbeiten. Im Rahmen ihrer Forschung beschäftigt sie sich mit den Themen Statistik und Didaktik. Im Projekt „Wir lernen jetzt selbst“ ist sie für den wissenschaftlichen Teil der Vorbereitung von schulstufenübergreifenden Mathematikbeispielen zuständig.

eLearning CLIL, sharing and reusing 

E-learning has become one of the most relevant parts in education in recent weeks more even than the past years. Uniting CLIL exercises with the possibilities of eLearning tools is an important step for being able to share materials not only with your students, but also with other teachers and educators more easily. Moodle is a powerful platform for education and provides us with many tools to support our classes, also our CLIL classes.

The goal of this workshop is to show you the possibilities of uniting CLIL exercises and materials with corresponding eLearning tools to improve your teaching and make sharing and reusing materials between teachers easier.

Oliver Regelsberg

Oliver Regelsberg teaches English and history at the agricultural college Francisco Josephinum in Wieselburg, Lower Austria. His main objective is to support teachers and secondary technical and vocational colleges in the implementation of CLIL. He has recently started coordinating all CLIL teachers in agricultural schools in Austria and has worked as a CLIL coach in Austria and Ireland. In his research Oliver currently focuses on classroom language in CLIL classes as well as on assessing CLIL content in history classes.

Hier die Präsentation aus seinem Workshop:

Regelsberg: History

History CLIL – the language of the past and the present

Teaching and learning historical content through a non-native language is a challenge many Austrian teachers and students currently face. This workshop aims to provide teachers of CLIL programs with language to enable them to communicate their knowledge of the past and present. It also attempts to answer the question how CLIL teachers can overcome the challenges and solve problems arising when teaching history through a non-native language.

Carole Anne Robinson

Carole is Senior Trainer at NILE, working as a teacher trainer on NILE’s methodology and language course as well as being a tutor for Cambridge and Trinity courses.  She has been involved with CLIL for over 10 years, tutoring on NILE CLIL methodology courses.  She is particularly interested in language support and language output in the CLIL classroom

Hier die Präsentation aus ihrem Workshop:

Robinson: Building language confidence in CLIL


Building language confidence in CLIL

Many CLIL teachers worry that their students’ lack of confidence in English may mask their content competence in the classroom setting.  This area will be addressed in this practical workshop, as we look at activities to encourage student language confidence.  The activities will be based on and be applicable to different subjects and show how a varied approach to language demands and use in the classroom can result in quality student output in both language and content.

The workshop is suitable for new and experienced CLIL teachers who want to take practical ideas away with them to develop student confidence.

Torunn Thomassen

Torunn Thomassen ist Schulleiterin von Oslo VO Helsfyr – Erwachsenenbildung in Oslo. Sie sagt über sich selbst:

„Ich habe viel und gerne gelernt und studiert – in Deutschland und in Norwegen, die deutsche Sprache und Fächer durch die deutsche Sprache. Mein Hauptinteresse als Lehrerin, Lernmittelentwicklerin und Schulleiterin ist Sprache und sprachliche Voraussetzungen für das Lernen.“

Torunn Thomassen studierte in Hannover Soziologie und Politik, in Rostock, Greifswald und Berlin (zu DDR-Zeiten) Literaturwissenschaft, in Bergen und Oslo Deutsch, in Oslo Geschichte, Soziologie, Informatik, Pädagogik und Schulleitung.

Hier die Präsentation aus ihrem Workshop:

Thomassen: The Oslo Model

The Oslo Model – CLIL for promoting empoyability and active citizenship

(Präsentation und Diskussion in deutscher Sprache)

Oslo VO Helsfyr hat organisatorisch und methodisch ein CLIL-Konzept entwickelt, in dem minoritätssprachlichen Erwachsenen ein weiterführendes, duales vierjähriges Unterrichtsangebot, mit dem Studienziel Koch/Köchin, Tischler/-in oder Kinder- und Jugendarbeiter/-in zu werden, angeboten wird. Die erwachsenen Schüler/-innen bekommen Norwegischunterricht und Fachunterricht gleichzeitig – Content und Sprache integriert. Die Schüler/-innen treten schon im ersten Schuljahr eine Lehre an und üben an der Lehrstelle in der Praxis, was sie theoretisch in der Schule gelernt haben.  Frau Thomassen wird in ihrem Vortrag zeigen, wie das Studienangebot organisatorisch aufgebaut ist, wie das CLIL-Konzept verwirklicht ist, welche Lernergebnisse Oslo VO Helsfyr durch CLIL erreicht hat und wie das dokumentiert ist.  Sie wird auch zeigen, wie die Schule die notwendige Zusammenarbeit organisiert, d.h. die Zusammenarbeit unter den Lehrern und Lehrerinnen, mit den Lehrstellen, mit NAV (der norwegische Arbeitsvermittlung) und mit anderen weiterführenden Schulen.

Teresa Ting

Teresa Ting is Assistant Professor of Applied Linguistics in English at the University of Calabria (IT); holds a PhD in Neuroscience; BSci Degrees in in Biology and Psychology; MA-TEFL-Education; received the 2013 ELTons Award for Innovative Writing for a set of CLIL Materials; published CLIL textbooks in Maths and Natural Science (Zanichelli) plus CLIL-materials in EFL textbooks (Cambridge University Press).

CLIL at upper secondary… seen through cognitive neuroscience

Any proposed “better and brighter instructional method” must be aware of how our brain learns, or not.  This is regardless of whether the method is online or face-to-face and via the mother tongue or a foreign language.  This talk steps back from CLIL and looks at the cognitive challenge of “learning content through language”, i.e. most of what is done in classrooms, CLIL or not.

CLIL materials: designed with the brain in mind

This workshop continues on from the sub-plenary to look at how understandings gleaned from cognitive neuroscience research about how the brain learns (or not) have been used to guide the development of CLIL-learning materials. In particular, we will analyze the pedagogic and didactic principles behind sets of published CLIL materials intended for upper secondary Maths and Chemistry classrooms, as well as transdisciplinary topics designed to engage learners in both disciplinary and EFL classrooms. The objective of this Workshop is to provide participants insights and information for designing their own CLIL materials.

Doris Weiss

Doris Weiss hat  PPP und Sport  in Wien studiert, ist  seit über 15 Jahre an der BAfEP Linz, Lederergasse  tätig und seit  über 10 Jahre CLIL teacher. Zusätzlich hat sie  einen Master of Arts in Teaching English as a Second Language am Mercy College in New York gemacht. Weiters unterrichtet sie  an der PH Oberösterreich im BAC Studium Elementarpädagogik und Berufsbildung.

Darüber hinaus arbeitet Doris Weiß mit Johanna Hütter gemeinsam mit Unterstützung von Erwin Gierlinger (Sprachwissenschaftler an der PH OÖ) am Forschungsprojekt “Writing in the Academic Subject Paedagogy- WASP“.

Hier die Präsentation aus ihrem Workshop:

Weiss: Writing in the academic subject pedagogy

WASP-CLIL – Writing in the academic subject Pedagogy through a genre-based CLIL methodology (Presentation and discussion)

This presentation will show the results of a two-year research project which pursued three goals: Firstly, the development of CLIL-writing tasks for the subject Pedagogy. Secondly, the development of teaching instructions for CLIL teachers and thirdly, the impact of these activities on the students’ subject specific writing skills.

The factors students found encouraging, how they reacted to English writing tasks in the subject Pedagogy and how this effects a teacher’s CLIL-methodology as well as some best-practice examples for writing activities will be presented.

Wir danken unseren Sponsoren!